Load curves

If you have a meter integrated with the remote reading system, you can access, directly from your online account, data on the consumption variation per hourly intervals - whether you are a residential customer, a business customer, a producer, a prosumer, a developer or an electricity supplier.

Close-up with a Rețele Electrice employee, looking at two smart meters

In order to create an online account on our website, the first step is click on "Register" button below. After you fill in the form, login into your account and you will have access to our online services.

To view the load curves, from the main page of your account, click on "Curbe de sarcină" icon. With the help of this service, you can access detailed information on the power consumption per days and hours - only if the metering group associated to the POD supports remote reading.

Note: If you associated more than one consumption place to your account (more POD codes), to reach "Curbe de sarcină", first click on "Informații consum" icon. From the PODs list displayed, choose the code you want to see load curves of, and then you will have access to the "Curbe de sarcină" icon.

Create an online account