Dual Class “Future Electrician”

The dual class “Future Electrician” represents our mission to raise a new generation of electricians adjusted to the changes occurring on the energy market, as well as in society. We are holding dual classes in Bucharest (The Technical Energetic College), Constanța (The Energetic High School) and Ialomița (Fierbinți-Târg Technological High School) in which students study for 3 years and benefit from many hours of practice in our companies.

What does dual education system mean? The dual system is part of the state vocational education. The classes are created at the request of an employer and that employer becomes involved, in collaboration with a high school, in training students for three years. We support the students in our dual classes by providing several benefits and ensuring the mandatory practice hours in our companies.

Among the benefits granted are:

  • practice in one of the three distribution companies;
  • work and protective equipment;
  • scholarships;
  • lunch every day;
  • mentoring with specialists and tutors from our companies;
  • study visits;
  • personal development workshops.